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Antonel­la Suc­cur­ro

Antonel­la has a PhD in par­ti­cle physics and 10+ years of expe­ri­ence as researcher in the fields of math­e­mat­i­cal mod­el­ling, data sci­ence and soil micro­bio­me mod­els and bioin­for­mat­ics. She also has expe­ri­ence as sci­en­tif­ic offi­cer at a nation­al next gen­er­a­tion sequenc­ing com­pe­tence cen­ter. She acts as co-chair of an experts group on earth obser­va­tion applied … Con­tin­ued

Tavseef Mairaj Shah

My back­ground is envi­ron­men­tal engi­neer­ing and agroe­co­log­i­cal research. I did my doc­tor­al research on agroe­co­log­i­cal crop­ping sys­tems and wrote my the­sis on their envi­ron­men­tal and social impacts. My research aimed at enabling farm­ers to tran­si­tion to regen­er­a­tive and agroe­co­log­i­cal crop­ping sys­tems. I want­ed to fill the gaps (tech­no­log­i­cal and finan­cial) that I found dur­ing my … Con­tin­ued