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Alexan­der Kahlmann

Born in Mex­i­co, raised in var­i­ous coun­tries, Abitur and MBA in Mannheim, since 2004 active as man­age­ment con­sul­tant. Found­ed 4 star­tups since then, includ­ing cur­rent ven­ture I´M℗ACTING. I live and work in Ham­burg, my two kids (8 & 12) are the main moti­va­tion to build an Impact-Start­up with my co-founder Marie.

Marie-Kristin Wysk

My back­ground is in busi­ness devel­op­ment, mar­ket­ing, strat­e­gy and project man­age­ment. Dur­ing my stud­ies as well as my 4,5 years in con­sul­tan­cy and Ven­ture Cap­i­tal, I learned how to struc­ture com­plex prob­lems, define and val­i­date hypoth­e­sis and work on solv­ing those prob­lems using ana­lyt­i­cal, con­cep­tu­al and strate­gic meth­ods. With­in my con­sul­tan­cy and VC projects I … Con­tin­ued