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Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Poly­cri­sis #3

The world is being hit by sev­er­al crises simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, which are mutu­al­ly depen­dent. We refer to them as the poly­cri­sis. Our par­tic­i­pants Con­nect with par­tic­i­pants from Poly Cri­sis Pro­gram #3 Our star­tups These star­tups par­tic­i­pat­ed in our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Time­line Our men­tors and experts Here you can con­nect with men­tors from our Poly Cri­sis Pro­gram #3 Col­lec­tive … Con­tin­ued

Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Cities of the future

The urban rev­o­lu­tion starts here! The urgency of cli­mate change com­pels us to recon­sid­er the “City of the Future.” Ris­ing tem­per­a­tures, extreme weath­er events, and resource scarci­ty force us to reimag­ine urban spaces. Sus­tain­able infra­struc­ture, green tech­nolo­gies, and effi­cient resource man­age­ment become essen­tial. The City of the Future must pri­or­i­tize resilience, renew­able ener­gy, and eco-friend­­ly … Con­tin­ued

Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Sup­port­ing Dis­placed Peo­ple through Inno­va­tion

The num­ber of dis­placed peo­ple world­wide has risen to +100 Mil­lion. The rea­sons for leav­ing one’s home coun­try are becom­ing increas­ing­ly diverse. In addi­tion to wars, polit­i­cal rea­sons, and eth­nic or gen­der-based oppres­sion, envi­ron­men­tal dis­as­ters and the effects of cli­mate change are becom­ing increas­ing­ly impor­tant as rea­sons for leav­ing one’s home coun­try. We need more … Con­tin­ued

Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Poly­cri­sis #1 (Ukrai­ne Respon­se)

We are look­ing for inno­v­a­tive approach­es as one solu­tion to address the effects of the war against Ukraine. Russia’s attack on Ukrai­ne in Febru­a­ry 2022 and the acts of vio­lence have chan­ged the world. The vio­lence has upen­ded the lives of mil­li­ons of Ukraini­ans. There­fore the issu­es ran­ge from refu­gee cri­sis, recon­struc­tion, food inse­cu­ri­ty and … Con­tin­ued

Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Poly­cri­sis #2 (Ukrai­ne Respon­se)

We are look­ing for inno­v­a­tive approach­es as one solu­tion to address the effects of the war against Ukraine. Russia’s attack on Ukrai­ne in Febru­a­ry 2022 and the acts of vio­lence have chan­ged the world. The vio­lence has upen­ded the lives of mil­li­ons of Ukraini­ans. There­fore the issu­es ran­ge from refu­gee cri­sis, recon­struc­tion, food inse­cu­ri­ty and … Con­tin­ued

Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Mak­ing our Democ­ra­cies More Resilient through Inno­va­tion

Democ­ra­cies are fight­ing for their lives. Why? For the first time since 2004, there are more auto­crat­ic than demo­c­ra­t­ic states in the world. Right-wing pop­ulist par­ties are on the rise around the world, while vot­er turnout is falling, trust in polit­i­cal sys­tems and the press is declin­ing, and fake news are on the rise. As … Con­tin­ued