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Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Poly­cri­sis #1 (Ukrai­ne Respon­se)

We are look­ing for inno­v­a­tive approach­es as one solu­tion to address the effects of the war against Ukraine. Russia’s attack on Ukrai­ne in Febru­a­ry 2022 and the acts of vio­lence have chan­ged the world. The vio­lence has upen­ded the lives of mil­li­ons of Ukraini­ans. There­fore the issu­es ran­ge from refu­gee cri­sis, recon­struc­tion, food inse­cu­ri­ty and ener­gy sup­ply to health and legal issu­es and among oth­ers. We are open to many top­ics as long as they crea­te impact.

Our par­tic­i­pants

Con­nect with par­tic­i­pants from Ukraine Response #1

Ana Lichtwer

Co-founder at GUTE­mis­sion Read more

Ole­na Vorozheik­i­na

Founder at Bake for Ukraine Read more

Anna Believant­se­va

Esper Bion­ics Read more

Maria Kalen­s­ka

CEO at Bake for Ukraine Read more

Alex Kuvalli­ni

CEO at Hand­stree Read more

Yuli­ia Kar­nas

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at OneUkraine Read more

Han­na Kolesnichenko

Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er at OneUkraine Read more

Qian Qin

Co-founder at We do Solar Read more

Karoli­na Attspo­d­i­na

CEO at We Do Solar Read more

Niki­ta Over­chyk

Founder at UAtal­ents Read more

Alexan­dr Zubchenko

Mobile Appli­ca­tion Devel­op­er at Podiya (Vol­un­teer) Read more

Valeri­ia Biloshyt­s­ka

Lead Project Coor­di­na­tor at Podiya (Vol­un­teer) Read more

Mary­na Soro­ka

Co-founder at GUTE­mis­sion Read more

Natali­ia Kovalenko

Co-founder at GUTE­mis­sion Read more

Han­na Slo­bodyanyuk-Mon­tavon

CEO at Myko­laiv Water Hub Read more

Alex Biloshyt­s­ki

Co-Founder at Podiya Read more

Meri Khaz­aradze

(she / her)
Co-Founder at mexb​.ai Read more

Kseni­ia Teslenko

(she / her)
Co-Founder at mexb​.ai Read more

Our star­tups

These star­tups par­tic­i­pat­ed in our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram:


Ivan Kychatyi & Niki­ta Over­chyk

UATal­ents match­es employ­ers with dis­placed Ukrain­ian tal­ent.
Read more


Alex Kuvalli­ni

Hand­stree builts an online-com­mu­ni­ty to unite phil­an­thropists and grow social projects in Ukraine with focus on long-term sup­port and fraud pro­tec­tion.
Read more

Bake for Ukraine

Maria Kalen­s­ka & Ole­na Vorozheik­i­na

Secur­ing the food sup­ply in Ukraine and rein­te­grat­ing vet­er­ans through bak­ing bread and edu­cat­ing about Ukrain­ian bread cul­ture
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Myko­laiv Water Hub

Han­na Slo­bodyanyuk-Mon­tavon

Myko­layiv Water Hub builds an Incu­ba­tor for inno­v­a­tive star­tups in all water relat­ed indus­tries and a Think tank for water-relat­ed research.
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Natali­ia Kovalenko, Mary­na Soro­ka, Ele­na Kor­chag­i­na, Ana Lichtwer & Natali­ia Egoro­va

GUTE­mis­sion inte­grates refugees in Ger­many and sup­ports dis­placed peo­ple from Ukraine in their arrival with an inter­cul­tur­al and inte­gra­tive approach at their CaféUkraine events.
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Alex Biloshyt­sk, Valeri­ia Biloshyt­s­ka, Alexan­dr Zubchenko & Natali­ia Sere­da

One-stop-shop plat­form for migrants who needs to be inte­grat­ed into a new soci­ety!
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Tysha (OneUkraine)

Han­na Kolesnichenko & Yuli­ia Kar­nas

Tysha helps women pass through hard times by orga­niz­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal sup­port groups
Read more

We Do Solar

Karoli­na Attspo­d­i­na & Qian Qin

We Do Solar brings solar pow­er to your bal­cony and makes ener­gy pro­duc­tion acces­si­ble for every­one.
Read more

Esper Bion­ics

Anna Believant­se­va & Dmytro Gaz­da

ESPER is build­ing a robot­ic hand and ecosys­tem to upgrade the pros­thet­ic indus­try
Read more


Kseni­ia Teslenko & Meri Khaz­aradze

mexb​.ai is devel­op­ing a con­ver­sa­tion­al AI chat­bot for ini­tial men­tal health sup­port and to bridge time until pro­fes­sion­al treat­ments start.
Read more

Your men­tors and experts

Here you can con­nect with men­tors from our Ukrai­ne Respon­se Pro­gram #1

Jas­mine Borhan

Founder, Jas­mine Borhan Strate­gic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Read more

André Nikol­s­ki

Strate­gic Projects at Hum­boldt-Inno­va­tion, Start­up Coach & Start­up Con­sul­tant Read more

Julia Majer

Inno­va­tion Con­sul­tant & Pro­gram Man­ag­er at SAP​.iO Read more

Lau­ra Kohler

Start­up Ecosys­tem & Cor­po­rate Inno­va­tion expert Read more

Lyud­my­la Kovalenko

CEO and Co-Founder at Doc­tor Kim­chi Read more

Sophie Dien­berg

Founder of inKlub Read more

Dr. Thomas Gne­fkow

Busi­ness angel, founder and pri­vate lec­tur­er Read more

Car­olin Kröger

Co-founder at beingfe​male​.de and con­sul­tant Read more

Nora Azza­oui

Part­ner at Kobold I Pur­pose Design & Inno­va­tion and co-founder of mimy­cri Read more

Peter Brock

Entre­pre­neur and impact investor, Fam­i­ly Office Ser­vices Read more

Final Event: Ukraine Response Pro­gram cohort #1

Down­load Pitchdecks

In the press

Esper Bion­ics, is includ­ed in TIME magazine’s list of the best inven­tions of 2022. The self-learn­ing pros­thet­ic hand pow­ered by arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) was named a ground­break­ing inven­tion in the acces­si­bil­i­ty cat­e­go­ry and will appear on the magazine’s cov­er.