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Empow­er­ing refugees and dis­placed peo­ple with remote work, edu­ca­tion, and men­tal health resources through an award-win­ning plat­form.


Gen­er­at­ing strate­gic knowl­edge by open­ing and using data that is cru­cial for func­tion­al democ­ra­cy and account­abil­i­ty.


Tack­ling Air Pol­lu­tion in cities and ensur­ing evi­dence-backed pol­i­cy through a pow­er­ful Dig­i­tal Twin­ning Plat­form.

Rethread Africa

Mak­ing fash­ion cir­cu­lar by invent­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of bio­ma­te­ri­als made from agri­cul­tur­al waste.


Bring­ing togeth­er paid com­mit­ments in envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion with cor­re­spond­ing impact financ­ing and suit­able staffing.


Devel­op­ing an AI-based soft­ware tool that sup­ports Agri­Food busi­ness­es inset­ting car­bon emis­sions at the farm lev­el.


Stream­lin­ing impact report­ing and track­ing process­es of refor­esta­tion projects boost­ing investor con­fi­dence and facil­i­tat­ing faster access to cap­i­tal.


Enhanc­ing for­est restora­tion efforts by pro­vid­ing near-real-time satel­lite imagery and data ana­lyt­ics, aim­ing to reduce tree mor­tal­i­ty rates sig­nif­i­cant­ly.

nex­tract ener­gy

Opti­miz­ing ener­gy stor­age tech­nolo­gies with AI to res­cue excess green elec­tric­i­ty from loss due to grid bot­tle­necks.