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Since I was in my ear­ly twen­ties (about 20 years ago…), I have been involved in ini­tia­tives that, in some way or oth­er, tried to make soci­ety a bit more inclu­sive and just. I co-found­ed and head­ed some of those ini­tia­tives and joined oth­ers as a fel­low. My expe­ri­ence with vol­un­teer work and my back­ground in sys­temic work also led to my appoint­ment as direc­tor of the law clin­ic at Bucerius Law School in 2016, a posi­tion I still hold. Our clin­ic involves about 100 peo­ple, most of which are stu­dent vol­un­teers who give legal advice for peo­ple in need. I learnt – some­times with tri­al and error – to cre­ate con­di­tions in which the vol­un­teers can grow, and clients get a valu­able ser­vice. Soon I also became involved in the nation­wide Refugee Law Clin­ic move­ment, first as a board mem­ber and then as the chair of the advi­so­ry board of Refugee Law Clin­ics Ger­many (RLCD). As an umbrel­la organ­i­sa­tion, RLCD rep­re­sents 36 clin­ics that offer legal aid for migrants. Par­al­le­ly, I start­ed teach­ing stu­dents in clin­ics all over Ger­many and assist­ed stu­dents who want­ed to found their own local clin­ic, so I have first-hand impres­sions of the chal­lenges the stu­dents are fac­ing in their pro bono work. The next step was my involve­ment in the inter­na­tion­al clin­i­cal legal edu­ca­tion move­ment (includ­ing aca­d­e­m­ic con­tri­bu­tions to sev­er­al con­fer­ences all over the word), which made me aware of the much broad­er recog­ni­tion of clin­i­cal legal work in oth­er parts of the world. I realised that Ger­man law clin­ics need much more sup­port than they are get­ting now. Con­se­quent­ly, I set out to build a sup­port struc­ture for the sup­port­ers.

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