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I seek to dri­ve pos­i­tive change and tack­le issues that threat­en our plan­et. Con­sump­tion for appar­el is grow­ing expo­nen­tial­ly, and I’d like to be at the fore­front of inno­va­tion and change for the fash­ion indus­try. As a Senior LCA Expert and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Ana­lyst, I help com­pa­nies have more insights into the car­bon foot­prints imbed­ded in their Sup­ply Chain. If we do not have infor­ma­tion, we won’t be able to make good deci­sions. Hence, I use my skills in ana­lyt­ics and my exper­tise in Life Cycle Assess­ment to under­stand, frame, and make trans­par­ent sus­tain­abil­i­ty issues in order to dri­ve pos­i­tive changes for my clients.

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