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Jas­mine is the founder of Jas­mine Borhan Strate­gic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Strate­gic con­sult­ing for com­mu-nica­tion, rep­u­ta­tion build­ing, and posi­tion­ing are her sec­ond nature. She is also well expe­ri­enced in exec­u­tive coach­ing for per­son­al devel­op­ment and for lead­er­ship top­ics in busi­ness, in crises, and in change. She wants to accom­pa­ny founders and exec­u­tives as a men­tor and coach to help them to go their path as role mod­els and to bring their ambi­tion to suc­cess. She says that giv­ing some­thing back to soci­ety, get­ting involved with the top­ic of impact again and again, moti­vates her.

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