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Julia is Inno­va­tion Con­sul­tant & Pro­gram Man­ag­er at SAP​.iO. She has exper­tise in amongst oth­ers human-cen­tered design, user research, UX design & test­ing, design think­ing and lean test­ing. In addi­tion, she has a back­ground in psy­chol­o­gy. She is con­vinced that we can only solve the social chal­lenges of our time through com­mu­ni­ty, sol­i­dar­i­ty, and co-inno­va­tion. For her impact means “shar­ing” – shar­ing knowl­edge, shar­ing pas­sion, shar­ing ideas. She is excit­ed about shar­ing her own exper­tise with founders as well as about learn­ing from them in order to increase the col­lec­tive impact.

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