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Lau­ra is Direc­tor Start­up Busi­ness and a mem­ber of the exec­u­tive board at BRYCK. She brings a strong exper­tise in (impact) busi­ness mod­el­ling, cus­tomer val­i­da­tion, investor access, team build­ing and vision & mis­sion design. It is her pas­sion and her pur­pose to con­tribute to build­ing a liv­able future for the kids of our kids. Accord­ing to her, this liv­able future will only be pos­si­ble if we under­stand, build and main­tain regen­er­a­tive economies and soci­eties. She loves to sup­port entre­pre­neurs, who are amongst the main dri­vers of this trans­for­ma­tion.

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