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Maria is the co-founder and COO of we4everyone. She stud­ied Euro­pean Stud­ies and Eco­nom­ic Demog­ra­phy. Maria worked eight years in pub­lic sec­tor con­sult­ing where she also worked with Math­ias togeth­er. She is an expert in impact-ori­ent­ed house­hold bud­get­ing for the pub­lic sec­tor and wants to bring this exper­tise into the start­up in order to build an impact-dri­ven com­pa­ny with high val­ue stan­dards and account­able goals. Her addi­tion­al super pow­ers are her orga­ni­za­tion­al skills, proces­su­al think­ing and bring­ing visions to life. Above that she is an ama­teur sailor and spends most of her hol­i­days on boats – so she knows all sorts of winds and is excit­ed to see in the future sails not just on boats any­more, but also on roof tops.

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