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I stand for peo­ple get­ting how great they are. I stand for human beings with nature thriv­ing on our plan­et we call home.” I am Cli­mate Impact Advi­sor with Ter­rafor­ma­tion where I work with investors and cor­po­ra­tions tak­ing plan­e­tary lead­er­ship. I am an entre­pre­neur and I co-found­ed four tech­nol­o­gy star­tups. I was nom­i­nat­ed lead men­tor for Tech­stars Por­tu­gal and have advised sev­er­al tech­nol­o­gy star­tups from the boot­strapped iPa­per to the ven­ture backed SecretC­i­ty­Trail to the ocean cleanup com­pa­ny NuO­ceans. I am Dan­ish and I live in Por­tu­gal, Eri­ceira. I am a father, hus­band and nature lover. In the past, I led dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing for Red Bull TV, growth at Lunar Bank and have expe­ri­ence at Google advis­ing top tier growth com­pa­nies.

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