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Michelle is sup­port­ing PHINEO Star­tups as a pro­gram man­ag­er. Pre­vi­ous­ly, she worked for McK­in­sey & Com­pa­ny in Berlin as a Senior Con­sul­tant where she worked for var­i­ous clients across indus­tries in Europe. Her work in con­sult­ing enables her to apply a struc­tured approach to prob­lem-solv­ing to the dif­fer­ent needs of PHI­NEO’s impact star­tups. Michelle stud­ied “Pol­i­tics & Eco­nom­ics” at the WWU Mün­ster and has a Mas­ter’s degree in Eco­nom­ics from Stock­holm School of Eco­nom­ics.

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