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René Wien­holtz (born 1974) found­ed his first com­pa­ny when he was 18 and sev­er­al oth­ers there­after. After fin­ish­ing the col­lege, he went to US high-tech com­pa­nies like Sil­i­con Graph­ics & Sun Microsys­tems to learn about tech inno­va­tion man­age­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, sales & man­age­ment skills. He took these expe­ri­ences to his role as the CTO at STRATO, one of Europe’s lead­ing IT host­ing com­pa­nies, where he was in charge for all tech mat­ters, inno­va­tion pipelines & the focus on agili­ty & design thinking.After 17 years as the CTO of STRATO, he has set up LOOM Impact AG — a new kind of impact invest­ment finance bou­tique (in the mind of an invest­ment bank). The company’s aim is to attract much more pri­vate & insti­tu­tion­al mon­ey for this new asset seg­ment to solve the chal­lenges of the UN Agen­da 2030 (aka the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals / SDGs).

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