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Sab­ri­na is a social entre­pre­neur and expert for social inno­va­tion and dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion. As Board Mem­ber of the Social Entre­pre­neur­ship Net­work Ger­many, she works on future-proof sys­tem­at­ic solu­tions and improved frame­work con­di­tions for those. She helped estab­lish the net­work, which now has over 800 mem­bers from both tech­ni­cal and non-tech­ni­cal indus­tries. At Junge Tüftler gGmbH, she is the Man­ag­ing Direc­tor and respon­si­ble a team of 35 in Berlin and Düs­sel­dorf. The team com­bines tech skills with the top­ic of sus­tain­abil­i­ty and oper­ates a mak­er­space, numer­ous mobile offer­ings and a dig­i­tal learn­ing plat­form. Pri­or to that, she found­ed the SaaS EdTech start­up Kiron Dig­i­tal. As Chair of the Euro­pean Net­work of the Red Cross and Red Cres­cent Move­ment, she worked on behalf of 1.5 mil­lion vol­un­teers from 53 coun­tries. She holds an M.Sc. in Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion & Gov­er­nance and has stud­ied in Freiburg, Ams­ter­dam and Sin­ga­pore and worked in Ugan­da, Viet­nam, Aus­tralia and South Africa.

Pho­to cred­it: Andi Wei­land, Junge Tüftler

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