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Sharon is a finance pro­fes­sion­al who has worked as an Accoun­tant, Finance Offi­cer, Admin­is­tra­tor, and a train­er of Account­ing Soft­ware with over four years of expe­ri­ence. She is a team play­er who pays atten­tion to details and results ori­ent­ed. She has a good work­ing knowl­edge of finan­cial account­ing soft­ware (ERP sys­tems, Xero, Quick­Books, Expen­si­fy, Zoho Books, Kashoo, Tal­ly, and Excel). Ms. Sharon holds a bachelor’s degree of busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion from Nde­j­je Uni­ver­si­ty, cur­rent­ly a stu­dent mem­ber of CPA Ugan­da.

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