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Tay­la is an inde­pen­dent investor and sea­soned men­tor in the hardtech start­up space. She has an exten­sive back­ground in iden­ti­fy­ing, build­ing, and scal­ing inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy hard­ware ven­tures. Her exper­tise in hardtech span a wide range of fields, from robot­ics, automa­tion and clean ener­gy to con­sumer elec­tron­ics and wear­ables. She has worked with some of the biggest names in the Ger­man indus­try, includ­ing Neo­Car­bon, Made­o­fAir, and Lite+Fog, and helped them fur­ther their devel­op­ment from POC to mar­ket entry. Top­ics you can dis­cuss with her: ear­ly stage hardtech ‘cstomer’ trac­tion, investor readi­ness, pitch­ing and pitch decks, pro­to­typ­ing on a bud­get.

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