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GPT As an Inno­va­tion Strate­gist and Ven­ture Builder, I bring a wealth of expe­ri­ence in cre­at­ing and nur­tur­ing impact­ful ideas into viable busi­ness ven­tures. My exper­tise lies in cor­po­rate inno­va­tion, where I’ve led teams through idea val­i­da­tion, MVP devel­op­ment, and the appli­ca­tion of Design Think­ing prin­ci­ples to solve com­plex chal­lenges. My jour­ney includes found­ing Zap­p­choice GmbH, lead­ing a cor­po­rate inno­va­tion lab for The Coca-Cola Com­pa­ny, and advis­ing star­tups on growth strate­gies. I’m pas­sion­ate about men­tor­ing emerg­ing entre­pre­neurs, lever­ag­ing my skills in agile method­olo­gies, project man­age­ment, and strate­gic ven­ture build­ing to guide them towards sus­tain­able suc­cess.

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