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Hamed Beheshti

Dr. Hamed Beheshti is the Co-Founder and CEO of Bore­al Light GmbH. He ded­i­cat­ed his exper­tise on renew­ables to elim­i­nate the hard­ships of life in unpriv­i­leged com­mu­ni­ties. Hamed is look­ing for oppor­tu­ni­ties to turn the lux­u­ry face of renew­able ener­gy indus­tries into the prac­ti­cal solu­tions for neces­si­ties.

Anna She­p­e­lenko

Anna She­p­e­lenko is Chief Out­reach Offi­cer of Bore­al Light. She has over 10 years of expe­ri­ence in mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Anna is Ukrain­ian, so recov­ery of Ukraine is a very impor­tant top­ic for her. She is pas­sion­ate about sus­tain­abil­i­ty and hap­py to con­tribute to solv­ing glob­al water cri­sis as a part of Bore­al Light.