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Silke Som­mer

I worked as a con­sul­tant in the finan­cial sec­tor for more than 10 years, focus­ing on dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion and soft­ware and prod­uct devel­op­ment. I con­tributed to devel­op­ing a bank­ing start­up and am expe­ri­enced with dig­i­tal busi­ness mod­els and ecosys­tems. From my edu­ca­tion­al back­ground, I am also skilled in finance and nat­u­ral­ly inter­est­ed in mar­ket­ing. With that … Con­tin­ued

Katha­ri­na von Stauf­fen­berg

I worked as a con­sul­tant for cor­po­ra­tions and star­tups for more than 10 years. Dur­ing that time, I set up three strat­e­gy depart­ments, includ­ing posi­tion­ing the depart­ments, build­ing the teams, doing sales and man­ag­ing clients. In 2019, I start­ed pur­su­ing a PhD in Polit­i­cal Sci­ences focus­ing on polit­i­cal inno­va­tions for sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and was also … Con­tin­ued