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Nasrat Khalid

E‑commerce plat­form that empow­ers arti­sans from under­de­vel­oped nations to reach a glob­al con­sumer base and lever­ages the same tech­nol­o­gy for trans­par­ent aid pro­vi­sion, fos­ter­ing both eco­nom­ic growth and human­i­tar­i­an impact.

Con­nect with the team

Reshad Zazai

Back­end Devel­op­er at Aseel Read more

Nas­rat Khalid

Foud­er & CEO at Aseel Read more

Key Facts

  • Found­ing date: May ‘20
  • Loca­tions: Wash­ing­ton, DC and UK

Part of Poly Cri­sis Pro­gram #1

Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs)


Aseel is respond­ing to urgent human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis using it’s Do Good plat­form. The plat­form cham­pi­ons what’s called Decen­tral­ized Aid, the abil­i­ty to deploy aid using local mar­kets and resources. It works like ubereats for aid deliv­ery and and thus helps to com­bat the caus­es of flight.


The Aseel App has two major func­tions: do good and buy good. Do Good com­pris­es of two impor­tant func­tions, main­ly the Aseel Omid (Hope) ID Cards that is an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion tool (that helps to track peo­ple in case of in the event of nat­ur­al dis­as­ters or war)  and the Ata­lan (Heroes) Net­work that  enables local youth to deliv­er aid using the Ata­lan app. The Aseel Do Good plat­form till date has sup­port­ed over half a mil­lion peo­ple in the Afghanistan cri­sis and has also been deployed to respond to the earth­quake in Turkey.  The sec­ond approach is “buy good”, mean­ing that peo­ple can buy local­ly made crafts & so on direct­ly through our plat­form.