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Bian Sukrow

Builds a reli­able sup­port struc­ture for law clin­ics at uni­ver­si­ties in Ger­many to bring change in the legal edu­ca­tion sys­tem and change the access to the jus­tice sys­tem.

Pitch at Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit

Con­nect with the team

Bian Sukrow

Head of KLEA Read more

Key Facts

  • Found­ing date: July ‘22
  • Loca­tion: Berlin, Ger­many

Part of Poly Cri­sis Pro­gram #1

Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs)


All over Ger­many, stu­dents are fill­ing gaps in the legal aid sys­tem. There are about 80 active clin­ics at the moment, most of which address the needs of mar­gin­alised peo­ple – peo­ple with exis­ten­tial prob­lems who would oth­er­wise strug­gle (or fail) to push their claims in the high-thresh­old Ger­man legal sys­tem. Clin­i­cal work is a win-win-win mod­el: Stu­dents acquire valu­able prac­ti­cal skills and get pre­pared for the chal­lenges they will face in their future pro­fes­sions. BUT: Most of those clin­ics are reg­is­tered soci­eties that only get ves­ti­gial help from their fac­ul­ties (if any). The rest are sup­port­ed by a chair or a fac­ul­ty, but even among those only few are recog­nised, pro­vid­ed for, and secured long term as impor­tant part of the cur­ricu­lum. Many of those stu­dent ini­tia­tives would declared­ly ben­e­fit from a sta­ble organ­i­sa­tion they could address if they face organ­i­sa­tion­al chal­lenges, expe­ri­ence team con­flicts, or strug­gle to secure their train­ing, super­vi­sion, and sup­port for their vol­un­teers. I want to found this organ­i­sa­tion and pro­vide ser­vices for the clin­ics.


The core mod­ules of my ini­tia­tive are train­ing, con­sul­ta­tion, research, piloting/facilitating new clin­ic mod­els, and strate­gic net­work­ing. There is sim­ply no sim­i­lar sup­port struc­ture for clin­ics at the moment.